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Thursday 8 January 2015

Blogger Tips: Hide Navigation Bar in Blogspot

A lot of people use blogger to share their views and ideas. This is a free platform and anyone can create an account on blogger without spending much time. We can enhance blogger blog appearance so that it will be appeared more like a customized website. We can actually remove the default Nav-bar that is shown in all blogger blogs.

Here is a way to hide the Nav-bar from a blogger blog. Just follow the instructions below:
  • Go to Template>Edit HTML in Blogger dashboard. Back up your template!
  • Now, locate /* Variable definitions in your HTML template.
  • Add the following code just above  /* Variable definitions

                      #navbar-iframe {
                           display: none !important;

That is all. Save your HTML template. Now you can see the Nav-bar is removed from your blog.

You can always restore the old style if you want. For that, you just need to remove the this code and save. 

Image source: Blogger